pondelok 8. mája 2023

Emulátor Altirra: Skvelý spôsob, ako spoznať históriu Atari 8-bitových počítačov.


Altirra je vynikajúci emulátor pre Atari 8-bitové počítače a je skvelým spôsobom, ako sa naučiť o histórii týchto počítačov a programovaní pre ne. V tomto článku sa pozrieme na to, ako používať Altirra pre začiatočníkov.

Po prvom spustení emulátora Altirra sa zobrazí obrazovka "New Machine Setup". Tu je potrebné vybrať "Atari 800 (NTSC)" alebo "Atari 800 (PAL)", v závislosti od toho, ktorú verziu počítača chcete emulovať. Táto voľba sa môže zmeniť neskôr v menu "Machine" na vrchnej lište.

Po vybratí počítača sa zobrazí okno s emulátorom. Pre začiatok je potrebné nájsť ROM súbory pre Atari 8-bitové počítače a vložiť ich do emulátora. Tieto súbory sa môžu nazývať napríklad "OSA.rom" alebo "OSB.rom". Môžu sa nájsť online a sú k dispozícii na mnohých webových stránkach. Načítanie ROM súboru sa vykoná v menu "Machine" > "Configure" > "System" a vyberte "ROMs" v paneli na ľavej strane.

Potom môžete začať používať emulátor. Altirra má mnoho funkcií, ktoré vám umožňujú prispôsobiť emulátor vašim potrebám a upraviť ho na mieru. Napríklad môžete nastaviť rýchlosť emulácie, rozlíšenie obrazovky a mnoho ďalších vecí v menu "Options" na vrchnej lište.

Altirra taktiež umožňuje načítavanie diskietových obrazov súborov, takže môžete hrať hry a používať programy pre Atari 8-bitové počítače. Tieto obrazy súborov sa zvyčajne končia príponou ".ATR" a môžete ich otvoriť v menu "File" > "Attach Disk Image".

V Altirra si môžete tiež vytvoriť vlastné programy pre Atari 8-bitové počítače, čo je skvelý spôsob, ako sa naučiť programovanie pre tieto počítače. Altirra obsahuje integrovaný editor BASIC a mnoho funkcií pre vývojárov.

V skratke, emulátor Altirra je vynikajúcim nástrojom pre začiatočníkov, ktorí chcú spoznať Atari 8-bitové počítače a programovanie pre ne. S jeho jednoduchým rozhraním a mnohými možnosťami prispôsobenia je to skvelý spôsob, ako sa zoznámiť s históriou počítačov a programovania.

Pre tých, ktorí sa chcú dozvedieť viac o emulátore Altirra, existuje veľa zdrojov online, ktoré obsahujú návody, tutoriály a tipy a triky pre používanie emulátora. Niektoré z týchto zdrojov sú:

  • Oficiálna stránka Altirra: Táto stránka obsahuje mnoho informácií o emulátore a jeho funkcionalite, ako aj odkazy na sťahovanie ROM súborov a diskietových obrazov.
  • AtariAge fórum: AtariAge je veľmi aktívne online fórum pre fanúšikov Atari 8-bitových počítačov a obsahuje mnoho diskusií o Altirra, ako aj o iných emulátoroch a historických zariadeniach Atari.
  • YouTube tutoriály: Existuje veľa video tutoriálov na YouTube, ktoré vysvetľujú, ako používať emulátor Altirra a ako programovať pre Atari 8-bitové počítače. Tieto tutoriály sú skvelým spôsobom, ako sa naučiť o emulátore a jeho použití.

Časopisy a literatúra:


V každom prípade je emulátor Altirra skvelým nástrojom pre všetkých, ktorí chcú spoznať históriu Atari 8-bitových počítačov a programovanie pre ne. S jeho mnohými funkciami a možnosťami prispôsobenia je to skvelý spôsob, ako sa naučiť a skúmať svet týchto historických počítačov.

nedeľa 1. januára 2012

Motoracer 2

Motoracer 2 (1998)

Date: 31.12.2011

Producer: Delphine Software
Overall time: <2 hour
Difficulty: Easy (championship)
Review: Better than first in every aspect. And the track editor is a must have :).
Overall: 90 % - video
Graph notes: Perfect. One thing i was really dissapoint was that smoke from tires (even in rain ???) No brakers, just fun from speed. A bit hard, but after first minute, i enjoy it really much from start to end.
Buy:  $ 5,99

GOG stands for Good Old Games. It`s a webshop with old games for low prices. Games are without any DRM, spyware or Ad-ware. They are also made for running under new operating systems (like windows 7). Just pure games and fun.

Tracks for Motoracer 2

utorok 27. decembra 2011

Clixsense - PTC (PayToClick) program

Before you start reading, remember, PTC programs will not supply your current job (don't have "big eyes" full of money in short time). The amount of money depend only on your ability to run your PTC program.

This article is about Clixsense PTC program and how does it work. Let`s see, if this PTC program will work for you. Please, be my refferal. Click on one of the banners on this article and register your account today. I give you all the information on this article just for you.

To start earnings some money with this PTC, click on the banner.

Official informations: 
Company name: ClixSense Inc.
Opened from: February 2007
Forum: Yes
Affiliates / Advertisements: Yes
Money per advert:  0,001$ to 0,2$
Garanted Ads daily: 1 (premium 4)
Minimum cashout: 10 $ (premium 8$) (some fees are applied)
Payments: weeekly on Mondays
Free  account cost: 0 $ / year
Premium account cost: 14.95 $ / year
Pay per Referral Click: (free - 0.0002$ to 0.004$)(premium - 0.0004 to $0.008)
Payments: AlertPay, PayPal, Liberty reserve, Google Checkout.
More account per household or computers: No
Alexa ratings: 870 Worldwide
Twitter account: Clixsense twitter

My experiences:
My status at Clixsense.com: FREE USER (for 14 days) - now PREMIUM USER
Numbers of adverts per day:  15 - 25 aprox.  (2-3 for 0,01 - others are from 0,001)
Earnings for 3 days (0,12 $ aprox.)
Scam or legit ? Seems legit (waiting for first payment - didn't reach the payout yet)

First steps:
So we are going to register for a new account. We need to write down all information about us (name, adress, preferred payments method, contacts etc.). Don't worry, you can change this informations later if you will move somewhere else. After succesfully registration an e-mail will come to your box just to check, if you are the one, who registered. YOU DON'T NEED TO WORRY about how many new e-mails will come to you box. This PTC program doesn't send e-mails. Only 2 messages will arive. Everything else will be under your profile on their site.

Second step:
We are registered, what now ? Just look at the toolbar of the page:

So what are you waiting for ? Click on the View Ads. There you will see some blocky panels. Just click on one of them and see next steps, what to do :)

Earning money(s)
OK, so you click on first PTC link, and new page is opened. Up, there is a frame with some symbols and timer. Down is a page, which loaded as a sponsor page.  (this frame was during winter holidays - it changes during the year with other question like click on the picture with cat). BEWARE - if you will click RANDOMLY, your account could be banned. 

You need to click the right symbol to earn some money. Do it until timer will be 0. After clicking, a new timer will be started (time, which you have to be on a site - aprox. 10 sec - depends on money for the site). Don't close the site until this banner appear.

Congratulation, you have earn your first big money :) How much you have can be checked under My account -> account summary.

It`s a grid, which give you change to earn some extra money (5$), but you have to click the right spot.

Just click somewhere in the grid, new page will open, and after 10 seconds,you will see, if you win or not. You have 25 clicks for one day. The next 25 click will be on next day. Red squares on the pictures are spots, where i was clicking. On my first day, i earn big zero :D You can also watch your history of opened pages.

ClixSense Flash Games
Well, some flash games for your enjoyment only. They will not pay as you play them. Really just as a time killer. More then 1000 games, that something great. BUT.. sometimes, they run gaming contests, so i'm really looking forward, what it could be.

ClixSense Toolbar
First of all, i hate toolbars. They mess the browser and enjoyment of browsing. Also, they are full of spyware or adverts. So why i need to install such a toolbar ? As i write earlier, you have to check, if a new PTC link didn't appear. With this toolbar, you will see, if new PTC will arrive or not. You don't need to go to site, logged in and chceck your profile. You see it all in this toolbar. It`s really worth, cause after some time, adverts will vanish. Next, there are som apps, like youtube, eBay, Player, whether, so everything, that i really doesn't use :)

Now, you can see, how much did i earn during my first hour with this service :). I have clicked 19 PTC links.

You can get new refferals by advertising. Thru the Advertise->Manage my PTC Ads you can buy some ads and then just wait for your new refferals.

ClixSense Surveys
You can also take some surveys as a part of ClixSence PTC program. First, you will fill-in entry form. From this form, they will see, which surveys will be for you. Surveys will take some time and you can earn some much money. I didn't fill in the entry form so i can't say how much will you earn from this.

So you try, how it goes, but you didn't earn any refferal. Just to think, your first sallary would be around a year is a pain. The best think you can do is to buy a premium account. To do so, just click on MY ACCOUNT and there you will see buy PREMIUM. What are the main bennefits ?

- More advertisements (also better paid)
- Welcome ADS - 100 (after your payment will be done, new 100 advertisements will popup just for you - they will be there only once and vanish only after you will click on them)
- Minimum Cashout is 8$ (10$ for STANDARD account)
- ClixGrid Timer - 5 sec. (10 sec for STANDARD account)
- 50x Clickgird chance (not 25 - so better change to win 5$)
-  better refferal payments

This are only some of the bennefits. It`s really recommended to upgrage. You will have your first sallary at shorter time, and you will paid-back your UPGRADE quick. Here is also the proof of the 100 advert, that will show after you join premium account.

As of 27.1.2012, Clixsense make another way how to make money. You can take some Tasks (sort, join, find) to earn extra money. From my first experience, i earn round 1$ round 30 minutes. 

Overall, this is really a great opportunity, how to earn some money. Site is on TOP 5 of PTC sites, so you won't be wrong to join. Clean, easy to navigate with a usefull toolbar for your money earnings. But let`s say it straight. If you have free account without any refferals, you will do your first "sallary" round next year. If you can have refferals, then it`s something else to speak. It`s better if you will upgrade to PREMIUM (really low price).

To start earnings some money with this PTC, click on the banner. 

1. I really advise to pay for PREMIUM (it`s really cheap). You will get more ads, and without refferals, you will have have it back round 5 month.
2. Get refferals - don't be affraid. It`s really easy - i will try to cover it on another article
3. Take some tasks
4. Don't sit too long before the task or advertisement.. you know, life is really about something else, that clicking on ADS ..:D

piatok 23. decembra 2011


POD GOLD (1997)

Date: 23.12.2011
Producer: Ubisoft Entertainment
Overall time: <2 hour
Review:What a blast. Can't play this game before (MMX technology), but even playing today was a total blast to me :)
Overall: 90 % - video
Graph notes: Great trip until some tracks ruined it all. The far you go in game, more and more design flaws will occured. Design of tracks will be more and more complicated, you will sometimes find yourself really desperate.
Buy: $ 5,99 

GOG stands for Good Old Games. It`s a webshop with old games for low prices. Games are without any DRM, spyware or Ad-ware. They are also made for running under new operating systems (like windows 7). Just pure games and fun.

pondelok 12. decembra 2011

Megarace 1

Megarace 1 (1994)

Date: 12.12.2011
Producer: Cryo Interactive
Overall time: <1 hour
Difficulty: Normal
Review: Really great game. Sometimes hard but great.
Overall: 75 % - video
Graph notes: When you know, how to eliminate enemies, you will enjoy it till the half of the game. You would swap every car just to beat some tracks. At 80% it will go smooth without any problems, but the fun factor goes down. At the end, you would be thanksfull just for the LANCE BOYLE :)
Buy: $ 5,99

GOG stands for Good Old Games. It`s a webshop with old games for low prices. Games are without any DRM, spyware or Ad-ware. They are also made for running under new operating systems (like windows 7). Just pure games and fun.

pondelok 5. decembra 2011

Motoracer 1

Motoracer 1 (with datadisk) (1997)

Date: 05.12.2011
Producer: Delphine Software
Overall time: 1 hour
Difficulty: Easy (championship) - normal and reversed course
Review: Even with outdated graphics, still very enjoyable
Overall: 90 % - video
Graph notes: Really goes smooth. No brakers, just fun from speed. Sometimes hard track, but it was a real pleasure to play this game from start to the end.
Buy:  $ 5,99

GOG stands for Good Old Games. It`s a webshop with old games for low prices. Games are without any DRM, spyware or Ad-ware. They are also made for running under new operating systems (like windows 7). Just pure games and fun.

nedeľa 4. júla 2010

Nintendo DS WiFi Problems

For Error Code: 51300-51398

This error message is typically caused by WEP Key issues. Please read the following information:

1. Check Nintendo's router info for special notes, if available, for your router.
  • Click here to go to our Wireless Router Configuration page.
  • Use the drop-down box on the left to select, if available, your router manufacturer.
  • Click on your router's model number, if available.
  • Read any "special notes" at the top of the router's page. Many issues can be solved by changing settings described in the "special notes."

2. Are you using WEP security on your router?
  • Log into the router using the default IP (consult your router's manual for assistance)
  • If you are using 64-bit encryption, the WEP Key must be a 10-character key consisting of numbers or letters A through F.
  • If you are using 128-bit encryption, the WEP Key must be a 26-character key consisting of numbers or letters A through F.
  • The WEP Key must be a Hexadecimal (1-9, AF, no other special characters or letters).
  • Verify they are using the WEP Key in the first (# 1) slot. Even though their router may have multiple slots, the Nintendo DS is only compatible with the WEP Key in slot # 1.

3. Check to see if your router is using MAC filtering.
  • Log into the router using the default IP.
  • Find the section for MAC Filtering (typically under "Security").
  • If MAC Filtering is on ( "enabled"), enter the Nintendo DS's MAC address to the list of approved MAC address. For info on locating the DS's MAC address, click here. (For assistance with locating the MAC Filtering section of your router's setup tool, please consult the router's manual or contact the manufacturer.)
Original post